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dated: Oc tober 31, 2024Your pr
ivacy is im portant to us at Bu ffaloJackpot. Th is Privacy Policy ou tlines the ty pes of in formation we co llect and how we us e, st ore, and pr otect th at information.We may co
llect pe rsonal in formation su ch as your na me, em ail ad dress, and any me ssages you se nd us th rough our co ntact fo rm. We al so co llect no n-personal da ta li ke your IP ad dress, br owser ty pe, and us age st atistics to he lp im prove the site.Your pe
rsonal in formation is us ed so lely to re spond to your in quiries or to im prove our se rvices. We do not se ll or sh are your pe rsonal da ta wi th th ird pa rties, ex cept as re quired by law.We im
plement ap propriate se curity me asures to pr otect your pe rsonal da ta fr om un authorized ac cess, al teration, or di sclosure. Ho wever, no me thod of tr ansmission ov er the in ternet is 10 0% secure.We use co
okies to en hance your ex perience on our si te by re membering your pr eferences. You can co ntrol or di sable co okies in your br owser se ttings, but th is may af fect si te functionality.We may up
date th is Privacy Policy fr om ti me to ti me. Any ch anges wi ll be po sted on th is pa ge, and co ntinued use of the si te af ter su ch ch anges wi ll co nstitute your co nsent to the up dated policy.If you
ve any qu estions ab out our Privacy Po licy, fe el fr ee to co ntact us at