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dated: Oc tober 31, 2024The in
formation pr ovided on Bu ffaloJackpot is for ge neral in formational pu rposes on ly. Wh ile we st rive to ke ep all in formation up to da te and ac curate, we ma ke no gu arantees of any ki nd, ex press or im plied, re garding the ac curacy, co mpleteness, re liability, or av ailability of the in formation co ntained on th is website.BuffaloJackpot is a so
cial ca sino pl atform th at of fers ga mes st rictly for en tertainment. No re al mo ney ga mbling or pr izes are in volved. The ga mes on th is si te are in tended for in dividuals 18 ye ars of age or ol der and are de signed to be pl ayed for fun.All co
ntent pr ovided on th is si te is for en tertainment pu rposes on ly and sh ould not be in terpreted as pr ofessional or le gal ad vice. We do not en dorse or pr omote ga mbling wi th re al mo ney. If you or so meone you kn ow has a ga mbling pr oblem, pl ease se ek he lp fr om re sponsible ga mbling organizations.Our we
bsite may co ntain li nks to ex ternal si tes th at are not pr ovided or ma intained by Bu ffaloJackpot. We are not re sponsible for the co ntent or pr actices of th ese ex ternal si tes. Vi siting th ese ex ternal li nks is at yo ur own risk.We re
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